Our Mission
To preserve all animals by building awareness through contact and education in partnership with our animal ambassadors. Contact cultivates caring, which encourages conservation.
The Preserve is dedicated to expanding elephant education, knowledge, and conservation. These efforts have brought about numerous professional accolades and recognition. We’re committed to doing our part to help save elephants from extinction.
The innovations in care and husbandry of elephants at The Preserve have spread around the world and have benefited a myriad of other elephants in human care and in the wild.
The elephants at The Preserve are ambassadors, educators, cultural icons, and the darlings of their community and their many fans. Together, this elephant family is determined to move ahead with a strong purpose to inspire and connect people with this endangered species.
We are proud to now bring that same high level of care and passion to several new species that call The Preserve home. Our mission stands strong as we continue to inspire and educate with animals from all over the world!
The Preserve, affiliations and partners in care and conservation:
Friends of The Preserve’s mission is to support education and awareness for the species that call The Preserve home. By contributing to Friends of The Preserve, you help nurture the human-animal bond, which leads to conservation of the species in the wild.
Your tax deductible donation to Friends of The Preserve, a non-profit 501 (c) (3), helps support educational programs that benefit school children, people with mental and physical challenges, veterinary students, and other groups and organizations.
The Preserve is inspected and accredited by:
The Zoological Association of America (ZAA) is a non-profit, membership-based, accrediting organization dedicated to responsible wildlife management, conservation, and education.
The ZAA upholds the highest level of professional standards in animal welfare, safety, and ethics.
IEF funds grassroots programs, keeping all costs low, allowing more of each donation to directly support elephant conservation.
The goal of the IEF is to support and operate elephant conservation and education programs in managed facilities and in the wild, with an emphasis on management, protection and scientific research.
The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation of individuals and institutions dedicated to the conservation of African and Asian Elephants worldwide. The Preserve founders are contributors and founding board members of IEF

Visit The Preserve
“Elephants are a keystone species. That means if we protect and conserve elephants, we protect and conserve a whole bunch of other species. The International Elephant Foundation works with a lot of other conservation organizations exactly for that reason. Elephants are amazing animals, and they deserve to be protected just because they’re incredible, but we also NEED to protect elephants because they are so important for the health of the planet.”